My mission is to help heal the world.
The way I’m most called to do this is by sharing
Kundalini yogic practices that Tune you into the
Wisdom & Magic that’s already within you.
Come Home To You.
Reconnect with your highest self expression &
get into alignment with your deepest desires.
Strip away the layers of conditioning,
societal expectations, all the things that have
kept you hidden and playing small.
Move throughout your day from a place of
connection and authenticity.

I’m Heather B, a passionate & certified
Kundalini yoga teacher.
I started my Kundalini yoga journey back in
2016 when I accidentally bought a Kundalini
yoga DVD.
I came away from that first experience saying
“well I’m never doing that again”.
However, I started to come across snippets of
Kundalini practices, like a breathwork practice
here and a little meditation there and I loved
them. I started using them regularly
throughout my day. I was hooked.
And here I Am.
I did my teacher training in 2021 with Guru
Singh & Brett Larkin in Kundalini University.
Why do I love Kundalini yoga?
Practicing kundalini yoga makes me feel so connected & safe. There is nothing else that makes me feel that connection to myself and to source energy. It’s a very beautiful feeling. It’s through that connection that I feel high levels of safety and gratitude. It’s a very beautiful energy to connect to.
What’s my favourite Kundalini practice?
mmhh… hard to pick just one….but I love doing crow pose grounding practice as part of my daily practice. I think it’s a game changer.
A hobby I have.
I’m a very Amateur photographer.
Where do I live?
Somerset, UK, but I’m originally from Ireland.
When & where did I do my teacher training?
I did my certification in 2021 with Guru Singh & Brett Larkin in Kundalini University.
One thing I love to do.
I love being surrounded by nature. Who doesn’t, right? but it is my absolute favourite go-to for resetting my nervous system.
Do I have a pet?
Yes! I have a very sweet ginger cat called Whisky.
He’s a mommy’s boy. 🙂
Breath Break
Stop. Take a moment for a Breath Break.
And, No, this doesn’t mean to stop breathing! It means to breathe even more.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, fill your lungs up, hold the breath for a moment, exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat twice.
Having a longer exhale, than to your inhale, activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This little exercise is like hitting the reset button. Try it!
– Breathing is life
get Breathing