Your handy companion for your kundalini yoga practice.
This journal is everything you need wether you are practicing a 40 day set or you have a regular practice a few times a week.
- You’ll find questions to help you choose your next kriya/meditation to practice.
- Log your experience with a specific kriya/meditation.
- Keep track of kriyas/meditations you’ve practiced and ones you’ll like to.
- Reflect on your sadhana practice with the sadhana observations page.
- Decide and get clear on your practice moving forward.
- All in this one digital journal, keeping everything in one place for you.
98 Hyperlinked Pages
This Digital Journal includes:
– Sadhana Prep
– Kriya Log Index
– Kriya Log x5
– Kriya Catalogue
– Meditation Log Index
– Meditation Log x5
– Meditation Catalogue
– Sadhana Observations
– Future Intentions
– Today’s Sadhana page x40
– Journal space for each day x40
– 40 Day Tracker
Upon purchasing you will be sent an email from New Day Yogi with a link to download the journal. If you do not see this email, please check your spam/promotional tab folders. Any issues, please contact me here.
If you’re new to Digital Journals or Planners.
A Digital Journal is a PDF downloadable file that you upload onto your tablet or iPad.
Write in the journal using an annotation app, such as, Noteshelf or Goodnotes, and with a stylus or Apple pen.
Hyperlinked Journals
The journals that I create are Hyperlinked, which means that you can move easily throughout the journal by clicking invisible links in the PDF.
EG: On the Index page, click on ‘Kriya Catalogue’ and you’ll be taken directly to the Kriya Catalogue page in the journal.
I will update with a little video on how to use the journal, but for now if you’re not used to hyperlinks, here’s a run down.
This is super easy to use.
How it Works:
- In the index, click on any part of the journal you would like to go to and you’ll be instantly taken there.
- It makes accessibility so much quicker so that you don’t have to scroll through page by page to get where you want to be.
- The half moon at the bottom of each page takes you back to the index.
- The numbers 1 – 40 at the top of each ‘Today’s Sadhana’ page are all also hyperlinked. Click on any day number to be taken to that day.
- On ‘Today’s Sadhana’ page you’ll see a book image on the top right, this takes you to the journal page for that day.
- When on any journal page, the hand & half moon image on the top right will take you back to the ‘Today’s Sadhana’ page for that day.
- On both the Kriya Log & Meditation Log Index pages, there are 5 pages listed, click on any one to be taken to that kriya log page.
Have fun exploring! Happy Journaling.
Heather xox
What is a digital journal?
If you’re new to Digital Journals or Planners, a Digital Journal is a PDF downloadable file that you upload onto your tablet or iPad.
Write in the journal using an annotation app, such as, Noteshelf or Goodnotes, and with a stylus or Apple pen.
What is a Hyperlink?
The journals that I create are Hyperlinked, which means that you can move easily throughout the journal by clicking invisible links in the PDF.
EG: On the Index page, click on ‘Kriya Catalogue’ and you’ll be taken directly to the Kriya Catalogue page in the journal.
How have you tested these Journals?
I use all my journals. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet with the Samsung pen. I test all the hyperlinks in each journal before I upload it onto my website. Should there be any error, please contact me.
What annotation apps do you use?
I use Noteshelf & Noteshelf 3. These journals are compatible with any annotation app.
What do I need to know to use this journal?
You’ll need to have a general understanding on downloading a digital file onto your device and then uploading it into your annotation app of choice. You’ll also need basic knowledge of using your annotation app.
Are instructions on how to use an annotation app included?
No. At this current time instructions are not included.
Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of digital files, I do not offer refunds for any digital journals. Please read through the description and FAQ’S. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Check out the Refund Policy.
What if I have an issue?
Please contact me if you have an issue. I’m here to help.